The economic times are hard, it may be a struggle to make ends meet with a single source of income. You may also want to improve your lifestyle or save for a project in the future. You can reach your goals by converting you free time to money making time. Fortunately, the internet has several opportunities where you can make money after school or your 9-5 job. So, are you looking for part time job? Here are opportunities that you can pursue. Get paid to freelance You can extend your skill beyond the office. If you write articles for the company newsletter, you are a webmaster, you make marketing presentations or transcribe meetings among others, and you can do the same online and make a decent sum. There are hundreds of people that would like a blog post for their company blog, a newsletter, or a PowerPoint presentation for a few dollars. Most buyers post their job requests on the job boards such as Craigslist, and pro Blogger, freelance sites such as Freelance...
We are showing you both online part time jobs that can be done from your PC & offline part time jobs where there is no need of any computer.